Friday, December 23, 2011

So like an everyday a today started. So many people, so many stories, so many moments and even more emotions. And then there was a story about me. A someone I had never seen. Stranger. I found myself so different everyday. A mirrored image of me I see in strangers. I live with a stranger every new day. It must change or it shall be a silent death of an unknown. I forget why I say so. But it must change.

I must be happy, or I couldnt have survived. I cant let go. Memories with a certain stranger make me stronger every day.

1 comment:

Gautam P said...

Maan sako to 1 dost hai hum,
Jaan sako to 1 raz h hm,
Pa sako to 1 viswas h hm,
Baha sako to 1 asu h hm,
Kr sako to intzar h hm,
Mita n sakoge jise Aap,
wo yaad h hm.