Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Did i have to talk? I dint have to but I had none else. With a creature who was so different. So not ordinary but makin the other lives look normal. With a pledge to change, he walked indifferently.
He spoke as though he knew the ordinary life. Moments that we spoke about were moments he thought I could make. Had he known me a little better, he wouldnt have this moment be.
It was scary. My little thoughts was what he was invading and makin his way right in.

Maybe he was special. I'll miss him.

It was special. It was soon to be lost. I knew I had to watch it slip away.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Its a conspiracy. I never thought I would let in to a conspiracy. I knew it was a conspiracy. His one meeting had planned out every little thing. The words, the talks, the entire game plan to trap me. I had resented and shunned him out always. Yet. Like the perfect gentleman he perfectly ignored my perfect side and kept displaying my flaws.

So he thought that fragrance could lure me in. No it dint. It rather kept me awake all night wondering what burrberry could mean. I pretended that not talking to him dint mean anything. But it did. Everything.

I knew I had boundaries. But I also knew those boundaries had circled him in.