Thursday, November 26, 2009

My Difficult Meeting

It was quite a meeting today. So difficult, that I just couldn’t understand why I was restricted to me being what I was. I met someone so famous, that definitely I knew that I was alien to the real world.

He made me listen to him when I dint want to. I shut my windows and closed the doors but yet he made his way in. He made me dance when I never wanted to. He made me like and sing in the language I rarely spoke.

It was rather difficult for me to accept that yes he was that person who had been living in my house every alternate day.

My mom had liked him, my neighbors had loved him, then why was I the one who never realized that he had a face so unfamiliar.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Yet again another fall. I stopped, stumbled and walked again. After denial, I somehow accepted that this certainly wasnt something that life bought on me, it was something I bought on myself. Once again I wanted to hate every thought that made me want what I wanted.
I did my best. I did the rest. I never did a No.

My thoughts and me had betrayed every thought that wasnt mine.